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Need and significances of entrepreneurship development
It is said that an economic is an effect for which entrepreneurship is the cause. Entrepreneurship has development has therefore become a matter of great concretion in all countries. We can see the development of graph to America is developed day by day and become a most powerful country in the world due to development of entrepreneurship. almost all related entrepreneurship exists in America in different sector like industry, web developments, scientific research and so on. In other countries entrepreneurship development is a serious problem. all countries want to developed there entrepreneurship but the real problem is how to developed entrepreneurship. We have to create a program regrading entrepreneurship program(edp) offer the solution of this problem.
Business main possess certain competitions which result in superior performances the question that arises is weather these characteristics are inborn in business man or weather they can be induced and developed. a well-known scientist David MCCLEL LANT OF Harvard university made an interesting investigation into why certain person displayed great created powers and particular periods of there history he found that they “need for achievement was the answer”. The need to achieve motivated to work hard and money banking was accidental. money was only major of achievement not its core motivation.
In order too answer the next question whether this need for achievement could be introduce. Conducted a five-year experimental story in one of the districts of Andhra Pradesh in India in the collaborations with the small industry and extension and training institute in Hyderabad. This experiment popularly known kaki nanda. Under this experiment young persons were selected and put through a three months training program and motivated and to see fresh of the significant collusion of the experiment was that the traditional     believes did not seen.
The objectives of edps are to develop and strength the entrepreneur ion quality to motived them for achievement and to enable participant to be independent. there are following development to entrepreneurship programs
1.    Introduction to entrepreneurship
2.    Motivation training
3.    Management skills
4.    Support system and procedure
5.    Fundaments of project feasibility study 
6.    Plant visits


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