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Input and Output Devices The devices which are used to input the data and the programs in the computer are known as " Input Devices ". or  Input device can read data and convert them to a form that a computer can use.  Output Device can produce the final product of machine processing into a form usable by humans. It provides man to machine communication. Some of the I/O devices are explained below: (1) Keyboard : Keyboard is used in the input phase of a computer-based information system. Keyboard is most common input device is used today. The data and instructions are input by typing on the keyboard. The message typed on the keyboard reaches the memory unit of a computer. It’s connected to a computer via a cable. Apart from alphabet and numeral keys, it has other function keys for performing different functions. (2) Mouse : It’s a pointing device. The mouse is rolled over the mouse pad, which in turn controls the movement of the cursor in the screen. We